MNIS offers a variety of housing options to meet individual needs.
Gone are the days when many people with disabilities were institutionalized. MNIS was originated in 1970 in part to provide a variety of housing options to people with disabilities while offering the teaching and support they need to become contributing members of their communities.
We assist people in small individualized, relatively permanent living settings. Individuals are given only the amount of services they need to maintain as independent a lifestyle as possible.
Supported Living
In Supported Living, the individual lives in his or her own home or apartment, or with roommates of the person's choosing. Staff is scheduled to be present in the home for periods of one to several hours per day, for as many days as determined by the individuals, their service planning teams, and as funding allows. Supported Living does not typically include staff providing overnight supervision.
Assisted Community Living
Funding allows residents in the Assisted Community Living program to receive 24-hour supervision/support in their own home or apartment, or in an agency-managed residence when they are not participating in day services. Individuals may have one or two roommates and generally receive a more intensive level of support.
Adult/Teen Family Home
Individuals live with a family who provides significant supervision and support, usually on a 24-hour basis. MNIS contracts with Family Home providers who have been certified by Nebraska Health and Human Services. The homes may accommodate one or several persons with developmental disabilities.